Throughout this fun and informative workshop you will discover the subtle nuances, tips and tricks on how to be your best feminine self.
The Triple ‘L’ Workshop...
'Love, Laughter & Lippy'
with 'Lady H'
These workshops are designed for small intimate groups, providing an open, fun and confidential environment
helping you step into your authentic self.

Do any of these sound familiar...
Where do I go to shop?
I have nothing to wear, but a wardrobe full of clothes!
Am I too old to wear this?
My body keeps changing and so does my wardrobe!
Purchased online and it doesn’t work!
Throughout this fun and informative workshop you will discover the subtle nuances, tips and tricks on how to be your best feminine self. From learning your body shape and what style suits you and your personality best, what colours make you pop and sparkle, through to personal grooming, and most importantly, embracing and loving yourself with a new found confidence.
The Triple ‘L’…
Love, Laughter & Lippy!
This workshop runs for 1.5 hours over 12 consecutive weeks.
Be prepared for a good dose of The Triple ‘L’… Love, Laughter & Lippy!
Can’t wait to have you join me!

'I love getting comments on my clothing, nothing makes me feel better than receiving a compliment when someone says “you look fantastic or what a great outfit”. I put this feedback down to my stylist Helena'.
– Rose

'I felt safe, relaxed and able to completely enjoy what was a very special, non-invasive treatment feeling the most relaxed I had in weeks'
– Kate

'It actually feels great to feel positive and
confident with what to wear now, rather than
looking at heaps of clothes in the wardrobe and seeing nothing to wear'.
– Jane
'You will never look right wearing the wrong clothes'.
- Helena McIntyre